About us

euses2020.eu deals with health topics, pharmaceutical products and general content. All articles are professionally prepared, clearly presented and easy to understand, even for non-experts. Scientific statements are substantiated by sources and sound medical knowledge.

Readers can find out more about various dietary supplements and get tips in different areas of health. Our aim is to advise people in a positive way and thus support their well-being.

Our way of working

Our editors are always required to keep abreast of current events on the subject of health. This applies to the latest achievements in healthcare as well as developments in healthcare policy, medicine and science. Articles and reports are written about selected events. Facts and statements should always be substantiated. We base our approach on expert interviews, scientific studies or publications from well-known universities or other health institutions.

Our editorial guidelines provide a rough framework for truthful reporting and require all participants to carry out comprehensive and detailed research. In addition, the website will be constantly expanded with new topics. The editors are subject to strict quality control when it comes to checking and improving their content. Creative approaches are also required for new and interesting topics.

Editorial team and medical advisors

The editorial team is made up of experienced journalists in the health sector, medical consultants and relevant specialists. Pharmaceutical experts as well as nurses are part of our team and support us with their many years of experience. In this way, our articles and contributions have a sound background, are equipped with specialist knowledge and can also shed light on complex problems. Writing that is as accessible as possible should serve a wide range of readers and allow for diversity without limiting race, age group or gender.

Our team is always concerned with well-founded and scientifically correct content. The articles are checked for spelling, content and technical components. The medical consultants are also involved in this form of quality control. We are also striving to expand the team for even more expertise in sensitive areas.